David Cochran Author
Author- Teacher
Author ~ Teacher
David Cochran has had numerous books and articles published.
David Cochran's Published Books
Getting Things Done Fruition Publications 1981
Yearning, Learning, Earning and Returning Fruition Publications 1982
By Grace through Faith Blawenburg Reformed Church 1982
Improving Your Memory Fruition Publications 1983
Macintosh Quick Start South-Western Publishing 1992
HyperStudio Quick Course South-Western Publishing 1994
HyperStudio Express - Mac Glenco/McGraw Hill 1996
HyperStudio Express - Windows Glenco/McGraw Hill 1996
HyperStudio and the Internet Fruition Publications 1998
HyperStudio Express, Version 3.1 Glenco/McGraw Hill 1999
Blawenburg Reformed Church 1832-2007 Blawenburg Reformed Church 2007
Stuff: Ajax Bigelow's Science Journal Bookbaby 2015
Where Are They? BookWriterCorner 2023
"David Cochran is a wonderful writer."
- Ann W
David Cochran's Published Articles
Knispel, Randy, Lake Suzanne, Lemli, Anton, and Cochran, David.
"Project Possible Attacks and Impossible Situation," The Science Teacher. 41(8), November 1974.
Cochran, David W. and Tuckman, Bruce.
"A Comparison of Regular and Open Classroom Process." Glasgow, Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol. 9, No 1, 1976, p. 61-70.
Cochran, David W. and Ondrejack, Lawrence J.
"Advice of a Sage: An Interview with Ron Doll." Educational Leadership, 1980.
Cochran, David W.
"Blawenburg Reformed Church Celebrates Its 150th Birthday," Princeton Magazine, May 1982.
Cochran, David W.
"Put Your Time to Work," Circle K Magazine, October 1982.
Cochran, David W.
"A Musical Gift from the Past to the Present," Princeton Magazine, December 1982.
Cochran, David W.
"An End to Inaction," Circle K Magazine, October 1983.
Cochran, David W.
"The new Bloom's: Develop higher order thinking skills with creativity tools." Creative Educator, 1(2), 14-16, 2007.
Cochran, David W.
"The Shoelace King," The Storyteller, September 2007
Cochran, David W.
"Keeping our Cup of Time from Running Over," Creative Educator. 1(3), 2007.
Cochran, D., Conklin, J., Modin, S.
(2007). A new Bloom: Transforming learning. Leading and Learning with Technology, 34(5), 22-25.
Cochran, D., Conklin, J., Modin, S.
(2007). The New Bloom: Transforming Learning. Output: The Educational Computing Organization of Ontario, 27(3), 14-16.
Cochran, David W. and Richwine, Patricia A.
"Enriched Studies with Internet Resources," The New Jersey Journal of Literacy, Vol. 1, No. 2, Fall 2007.
Cochran, David W.
"Universal Design for Learning, Reaching All Students with Digital Media," Creative Educator, Fall 2008.
Cochran, David W.
"Opportunities Abound, Capitalizing on the Needs of Special Needs Students," Creative Educator, Fall 2009
Cochran, David. W.
"Connecting Curricula for Deeper Understanding, The Case for an Interdisciplinary Approach." Creative Educator, 2013.
Cochran, David W.
"This Story Has a Certain Ring to It," The Montgomery News, October 2016. Reprinted in Tales of Blawenburg Blog, March 2020.
Cochran, Dave
"Blawenburg Church Celebrates 190th Anniversary." The Montgomery News. March 2022.
Cochran, Dave. Glimpse of the Past.
"The End of the Mercer & Somerset Railroad." The Montgomery News, July 2022.
Cochran, David
"Boy Scout Troop 46, Serving Youth for 90 Years." The Montgomery News, July 2023.
Cochran, David. "The Case of the Missing Windmill." The Montgomery News, August 2023.
Cochran, David. "A Quiet Place for Meditation, Prayer, and Reflection." The Montgomery News, November 2023
Cochran, David. "Blawenburg Band, Since 1890, Strong as Ever." The Montgomery News, December 2023.
Cochran, David. "Blawenburg Village School Celebrates 25th Anniversary." The Montgomery News, May 2024.
Cochran, David. "Five Local Sites Featured, Weekend Journey through the Past." Montgomery News, p. 32, October 2024.
Cochran, David. "A Thanksgiving Tale: The Blawenburg PNC Bank Standoff." Montgomery News, p. 21, December 2024.